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for which

WORLD HEMP CONGRESS officially publishes invitation within a project :





The project’s aim is to put into force innovation activities as a motivating force of international sustainable development of economy, promoting entrepreneurship and agriculture. We announce for this purpose Tender for gathering of applications for granting awards and diplomas for the year 2018.




in order to develop, set in the high - tech industry, the implementation system

of 70,000 products from industrial hemp.



1. Conditions of competition entry

Right for a call for tender is granted to all the economic societies, companies, independent entrepreneurs, independent innovators, students, civilians without legal personality or other organizational forms who call for a tender with a hemp innovation,

settlement of the competition fee in the respective amount to the event organizer, if price is fixed.

The application must be fully completed and timely submitted to WORLD HEMP CONGRESS - GLOBAL HEMP INNOVATION organizer

to Contact:, marked WHC18 GLOBAL HEMP tech INNOVATION - LOGIN.


Your hemp innovation will be presented to the public live in the

WORLD HEMP CONGRESS 2018 event 15. – 17. October 2018 in House of the European Union,

Information Center of the European Parliament and European Commission in Ljubljana, Slovenia EU

International professional – political - educational - agri - economic – social Event of Industrial Hemp

where your innovation will be presented to the public live in the WHC hall or online.


Presentation of your innovations in the international business environment with the intention of establishing and promotion of your business activity, obtaining of business financial aid and cooperation in the field of technological innovation and the coverage of costs of the process management of applications, organization of the event as well as public promotion and informing the public. 


2. Entry

2.1. Tender application must contain (link):

1.  Name, surname and full address of the innovator respectively economic society, company or the institution where he/she is employed;

2. Title and full description of the realized innovation for the year for which the tender is published with the indication of the characteristics according to the criteria stated in sections 4, 5 and 6 below.



3. Awards

WORLD HEMP CONGRESS Gold Award/Winner is awarded the title: 



Award allow by


Start-up Mentor Croatia TPV /FREE for 12 months Technology park Varaždin.

Start-up Mentor Croatia

•verify the maturity of the business idea
•assistance in the preparation of the business model
•advice on the development of a business plan
•assistance in establishing business contacts at home and abroad
•assistance with applications for start-up competition EU
•advice in the preparation of applications for product P2 Slovenia/EU Enterprise Fund
•FREE space for meetings or training/homepage
•FREE participation in workshops, B2B events,

Network Learning meetings organized each year by the technological park and its members in the EU.


Award allow by


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SLOVENIA - Direct rank WHC GLOBAL HEMP INNOVATION winner in the competition/Innovation in Pomurje 2018 / /


Award allow by


Program START-UP MENTOR offers a comprehensive set of business support services for the successful development and growth of new business. The program offers both infrastructure support in a supportive environment as well as a set of content services to support start-up businesses -

The program is designed for newly emerging innovative companies, in short, those who work on their prototype development services for the market, the business plan and those who are still looking for the original purchaser, or have already started operating. 

An innovative company is a company that is developing new products, processes and services in an innovative way to respond to the weighing markets and focuses on solving problems. An innovative company is also a company which is characterized by a higher content knowledge in its services or products, the potential of faster growth, education and expert knowledge of employees and performance in a global market niche. 

The program is offered free of charge for a period of Award. 

Package start-up mentor includes: 

Counseling services of business mentors at the Technology park to the extent of 5 hours per month  in the following areas: 

  • verify the maturity of the business idea

  • assistance in the preparation of the business model

  • advice on the development of a business plan

  • assistance in establishing business contacts at home and abroad

  • assistance with applications for start - up competition Slovenia

  • advice in the preparation of applications for product P2 Slovenian Enterprise Fund 

  • FREE space for meetings or training

  • FREE participation in workshops, B2B events, Network Learning meetings organized each year by the technological park and its members. 



4. Inventiveness

4.1. Originality

To what extent the innovation exceeds/withdraws from the known situation in the company, in your country or in the world respectively from existing developmental guidelines of the company. What is the usage value of the innovation for end-users in comparison with the existing/so far existing own or competitive solutions.

4.2. Novelty protection

Is the invention protected by a patent, or is it in the process of obtaining a patent protection, is the invention protected by a business secret or with other forms of protection etc.


5. Economic results

5.1. Achieved economic results

The economic value of innovation for the company (in euros and in %), increasing market share, increasing profits, reducing operating costs, new workplaces, increased GVA/employee, proceeds from a sale of intellectual property rights, other benefits to the enterprise that are not financially quantifiable, other useful novelties, that are identified by customers …                

5.2. Expected economic results

The economic value of innovation for the company (in euros and in %), increasing market share, increasing profits, reducing operating costs, new workplaces, increased GVA/employee, proceeds from a sale of intellectual property rights, other benefits to the enterprise that are not financially quantifiable, other useful novelties, that are identified by customers …


6. Sustainable view

6.1. Sustainable impacts of innovation on the innovation system

Innovation process has encouraged the development of invention - innovation system in the company, strengthened the competences of company for a rapid development from idea to market, encouraged the development of teamwork, encouraged the interdisciplinarity while innovating, promoted cooperation with scientific – research institutions and universities, encouraged cooperation with users in development of novelties, etc.

6.2. Environmental views

Favorable influences of innovation on sustainable development of the company (working environment, safety at work), favorable influences on the environment outside the company (global, regional and local impacts), importance of innovation for well-being of user, the manufacturing resources (non-renewable natural resources, waste, efficient use of materials and energy, the burden of work, greenhouse gas emissions), addressing the user (savings promotion); energy needs in the lifecycle of innovation; the destruction at the end of lifecycle (recycling, waste).


7. Photos, plans and description of reported innovation


8. Level in the realization of the innovation


9. General application provisions

9.1. Innovation applications should be made in accordance with published criteria, therefore the commission will eliminate unintentional applications (catalogues, promotional materials, seminar or diploma works etc.)

9.2. Innovation proposal can only be applied to one district or regional Chamber of Commerce by the applicant. If the innovative proposal is the result of ‘teamwork’, then it must be stated under the Chamber of Commerce, where the permanent residence of the applicant is.

9.3. Innovation applications not made in accordance with the provisions in section 2.1., are to be returned to applicants within 14 days after tender expiration with the possibility of completing the application within 7 days.

9.4. The professional Commission for Innovations, appointed for this purpose, is going to decide on proposals. On the basis of the adopted rules and criteria for evaluating proposals of innovations the commission will grant golden, silver and bronze awards (plaques with the document) and diplomas. The commission is entitled to turn down any inappropriate innovation applications by providing a proper justification.

9.5. Public announcement and award ceremony will take place at the event organized by the organizers of the WHC.

9.6. Competition Applications Form should be submitted (link):

  • by e-mail

      Please, send your application to

email address:





You must submit your application no later than September 1th, 2018. 


Tender documentation can be found in enclosures bellow.

Tender and tender documentation are published on the website of the WORLD HEMP CONGRESS:






Additional information

If you have any further questions regarding the subject, don't hesitate to contact us.




Project is co-financed by:









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